The goal is to achieve the best oral health and prevent future problems
We appreciate that everyone has their own set of individual circumstances, and some individuals are more at risk of developing dental problems than others. That is why we identify risk early on and build on your existing knowledge so we can develop realistic strategies to manage existing oral problems and prevent future ones.
It’s a partnership
We will listen to your concerns and help you reach an understanding of your oral health so we can develop a complete plan of care which is personal to you.
Child and adolescent care
Children are very welcome at our practice, and we aim to make the experience a positive one. We welcome the opportunity to see children and discuss strategies with the family to set them on the best path for a lifetime of optimal oral health. We offer care for teenagers under the dental benefit scheme as a service to the families in our practice. This government funded scheme provides for yearly visits free of charge for all those ages 13 to 18.